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Company Introduction

 HLY(Gaomi) Chinese Baijiu Factory is located in Gaomi city ,Shandong province,China, the hometown of Mo Yan , the Nobel Prize winner for Literature. HLY is located in the mysterious and legendary Dragon King Palace Village, where there is a dragon king temple for thousands of years. There is a Dragon Spring Pond in front of the dragon king temple. The dragon spring pond produces clear water.The legend says that Li Shimin, emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty , leading his army to conquer the east , passed by the Dragon king Palace Village and drank the water of Dragon Spring Pond . He and his army got more energy , felt stronger and were full of confidence after drinking the spring water.Then got the expected great success.A lot of Red sorghum grow in the place. On the basis of inheriting the traditional solid state fermentation and using modern high technology food manufacturing process, “Immortal Phoenix”,“Thanksgiving Dragon” series Chinese Baijiu is brewed with high quality red sorghum and purified spring water, with soft and mellow taste, sweet and fragrant, without any additive and blending, 100% natural and healthy.HLY is the only kosher Chinese Baijiu certified by the court of Chief Rabbi LBD.

Company Introduction(图1)